Amsinckia lunaris is a rare wildflower from central California.

Unlike other Amsinckias, it has not just one or two different kinds of flowers in the population but three. There are short-styled morphs, long-styled morphs, and an odd morph with short styles but the anthers inserted at two different levels in the flower: the “partial homostyle” (pH) morph. To udnetsnd the genetics of this weird situation, we raised about 300 plants from controlled crosses in the greenhouse in August 2023.

image-center plants just starting to flower…

image-center .. and in full flower a few days later.

image-center Close-up of an inflorescence…

image-center … and flowers of a “partial homostyle” morph, with three anthers visible high up in the corolla tube. The other two anthers are hidden below, just at the height of the (also invisible) style/stigma.